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SHV015 Fireworks (VCD)

Price: SGD$8.00
Item code: SHV015
Condition: Good
Genre : Romance , Drama
Espiodes: 17
Cast : Jiang Zhi Huan , Han Chae Young
Audio : Korean/Mandarin (Taiwan Dubbing)
Subtitles : Chinese

Synopsis :
Shin Nah-rah, a girl approching thirty who has nothing for herself except her wits. Unemployed and struggling to make a living, she thinks about getting married so that she goes out to find the woman who stole her boyfriend and at the same time she saw an ad looking for a sales clerk. Having nothing to lose, she uses her little sister's high schoool grades and starts working as a sales clerk. At work she meets an immature and spoiled guy who likes the woman who stole her boyfriend. The two always snarl at each other and get into disputes but little does she knows that this guy is the son of the vice president of the company! Love blossoms between the employer who knows nothing except being tough and an employee who knowa a lot more than her boss.